My Summer with Fuse Fundraising

Professional headshot image of Taylor Wilbon, intern & author of blog

What a journey it has been! Reflecting on my time at Fuse Fundraising, I can truly say I was surrounded by support, learned immensely, and am leaving as a better version of myself. This internship has not only shaped my professional skills, but also taught me invaluable life lessons that I will carry with me throughout my career. 

I was initially intimidated by the prospect of my first internship - the first step in my career to discover my interests. One lesson college has ingrained in me is that experience shapes excellence, not perfection. This resonates deeply with me because true learning comes from failing and striving for progress. Without taking that first step, you never really begin the journey. As someone who tends to be a perfectionist, I have to remind myself that it's not about achieving perfection but rather, about taking the first step and providing the best possible version of myself. 

Despite the initial fear, I was eager to start my professional journey. I sought an internship with three key factors in mind: an industry I saw myself pursuing, a company that valued its employees, and a place where I could see myself growing. As a double major in Marketing and International Business, I have numerous career paths to choose from. When I learned about The Non-Profit Alliance Internship program, I was drawn to Fuse Fundraising. Not only did Fuse offer what I was looking for in a company, but after my interview, I knew this was the place for me. Caroline and Sydney welcomed me with such positivity and excitement, making the interview feel completely conversational and making me feel comfortable. Choosing Fuse as my internship was the easiest decision. The fact that the industry aligned with my passion for volunteering and non-profit work was an added bonus! 

Starting any new experience can be difficult. Initially, the mornings were a challenge — waking up early and driving over an hour to work — but I quickly got used to it and honestly enjoyed my morning ride as it allowed me to decompress and sit in my thoughts before my day started.

Then came the technical aspects. As a rising junior who hadn’t begun any marketing coursework yet, I didn't have hands-on experience working with tools and processes yet. Getting acquainted with this was easily one of the most challenging parts of my internship. I consider myself tech-savvy, but I was quickly humbled. However, I learned Outlook and other Microsoft apps quickly, and I can truly say that picking up even the smallest tech shortcuts and utilizing these tools during my internship will help me succeed in the future. 

My first few weeks were packed with learning the different aspects of fundraising. Throughout my time with Fuse, I had the privilege of meeting team members who specialized in various areas of the direct response process and learned how fundraising functions from every standpoint. It was fascinating to hear from different people and dive into each aspect of a campaign. I especially enjoyed learning about digital and paid advertising. 

A significant part of my internship was my capstone project, which allowed me to research a topic of my choice and present it at the end of the program. The in-depth meetings about the different functions of fundraising helped me immensely with my project, as they allowed me to learn about the different components of fundraising and apply it to my capstone project while selecting aspects I wanted to dive deeper into.

I chose a topic that resonated with me and the company: researching corporate partnerships. I wanted to delve into an unfamiliar area to gain new insights, focusing on digital aspects given that they are crucial to our future and I want to be well-versed in this field.

Additionally, I aimed to connect my passion for non-profits with my interest in luxury marketing and the corporate world, exploring how these interests can be utilized in the fundraising realm. I spent several weeks on my project and learned so much about creating a proposal. The anxiety of presenting my project was nerve-wracking at times, but ultimately made me a stronger speaker and helped me feel more comfortable researching, using PowerPoint, creating and beautifying decks, and communicating effectively. These are all skills that I know will be beneficial in my future. 

I also really enjoyed learning about direct marketing and direct mail. It was fascinating to see all the effort that goes into a single piece of mail. From the intention shown in the letter copy, to the design choices catering to the target audience, to the impact of testing and gaining insights. I even had the opportunity to visit a lettershop where all the direct mail is produced. It was amazing to see how quickly materials are printed, the capabilities of the machines, and the efficiency of insertion into an envelope.

Throughout the internship, I learned several personal and professional lessons. I learned that it's okay to take a step back and come back later; sometimes, stepping away and returning with fresh eyes can make all the difference. Another crucial lesson was that pretty isn’t always perfect, content matters most. While aesthetics are important, the substance of your message is what truly counts. At first, this was really hard for me to grasp. 

During my internship, I honed my strategic thinking skills, understanding the broader context and planning accordingly. I also learned how significant data-driven decision-making can be. 

Overall, reflecting on my time at Fuse Fundraising, I am incredibly grateful for the positive and supportive work atmosphere, the encouragement from colleagues at all levels, and the numerous opportunities for professional growth. They saw something in me that I didn’t always see in myself. They challenged me in the best way possible and allowed me to play to my strengths and strengthen my weaknesses.

The supportive environment facilitated my professional growth, allowing me to develop new skills and gain practical experience that can't be matched in the classroom. I had the unique opportunity to learn from various professionals proficient in different aspects of the industry, which broadened my perspective and enriched my learning. Above all, the personal fulfillment I gained from contributing to meaningful work made this journey incredibly rewarding. I truly could not have asked for a better experience or a better team. I will be forever grateful for this experience. Until we meet again… 


Interested in joining the Fuse Fundraising team yourself? Check out our current open positions here or reach out to us directly! 


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