Four hands assembling a puzzle with yellow and white pieces within a circular gradient background from purple to pink.


Social Justice, Equity, and Inclusion

Fuse is committed to celebrating diverse perspectives and creating spaces where everyone is empowered to bring their full, authentic self. As a women-owned and led agency, we are also committed to the principles of social justice, ethical storytelling, and anti-racism in the workplace and beyond.

Within our office, we began this work in earnest in 2021 with a staff-wide training on unconscious bias. In 2022 we began a seven-month, company-wide course on anti-racism and inclusion. In 2023 we engaged in staff-wide discussions about ethical fundraising and the impact of colonialism and unconscious bias on nonprofit marketing strategies. And in 2024, our team is focused on opportunities to create social change on both the local and national levels. 

We are passionate about working not only within our agency, but across our industry to advance equity and inclusion in regard to race, gender, age, religion, identity, and experience. To that end, we are continually evaluating our strategies to reflect ethical fundraising standards while amplifying voices that often go unheard.

But this is just the beginning. We understand that this isn’t just a box to check — it’s an ongoing process.

That’s why we’ll continue to update this page with information about our efforts around social justice, equity, and inclusion.

A woman carrying a baby on her back smiles brightly while standing next to bundles of dried grass. Behind her, another woman and two children stand among leafless trees in a dry, rural area. The sky above is clear and blue.
A woman wearing a green sari and red blouse joyfully winnows grain with a large basket under a clear blue sky. She wears multiple green bangles and an orange bindi on her forehead.
  • In marketing and in fundraising, storytelling is one of our most powerful tools to engage and inspire. As storytellers, we have an obligation to the people whose stories we share — to ensure that they have given consent, that they are accurately represented, and that their resilience shines through.

    Fuse is committed to an industry-wide movement toward ethical storytelling — honoring those whose stories we tell with honesty, nuance, and compassion.

    A main principle behind ethical storytelling is acknowledging that we must fundamentally change the way stories have been told and how humanitarian need is conveyed.

    As ethical storytellers, we are taking part in the intricate, tangled discussion about storytelling related to social impact, with a core focus on prioritizing constituents first and donors second. It is our duty to ensure that the stories we share are accessible and inclusive while highlighting the strength of the people that nonprofits serve.

    Seeking accuracy and authenticity, we aim to show how communities are truly the heroes of their own stories while donors are conduits of change — providing the necessary resources for people to overcome the challenges they face.

    Our commitment to ethical storytelling also means avoiding language or images that could hurt or embarrass, and instead focusing on the dignity and hope that is a part of every life. It is our responsibility to treat the people we write about not as subjects for fundraising, but as human beings whose stories are their own.

    In many ways, implementing ethical storytelling represents a paradigm shift in the industry, one that we feel it is imperative to join.

    Ethical Storytelling Resources:

    What is ethical storytelling?

    Ethical storytelling essentials

    Tips for ethical storytelling

    Take the ethical storytelling pledge

Two people are harvesting ripe red coffee cherries from a tree. One person's hands are holding a handful of cherries, while the other individual stands nearby in a beige jacket. The background includes lush green coffee plant leaves.
  • Fuse strives to always put the well-being of our greater global community at the center of our work.

    We believe in ethical fundraising because it embraces the principles of social justice. It invites us to treat donors as partners in change while holding the utmost respect for the communities that nonprofit organizations serve.

    Ethical fundraising is deeply tied to anti-racism and ethical storytelling because it prioritizes equity and challenges systems that disempower people. Our promise is to develop fundraising strategies and materials that always adhere to these values.

    Ethical Fundraising Resources:

    Sample ethical fundraising guidelines

    What is community-centric fundraising?

    Community-centric fundraising overview

    *While community-centric fundraising differs from ethical fundraising, both practices include a deep commitment to inclusion and social justice in regard to fundraising.

Continuing the Conversation

As we strive to embody these values every day, we acknowledge that these topics are all part of ongoing conversations. We are committed to participating in these conversations and updating our approach as these dialogues progress.

If you have an experience, a resource or a reflection that you would like to share, you can reach us here: