That’s right! Your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you — we did just invite you to take a little trip with us to hunt for zombies! But don’t worry … we haven’t gone completely mad and we aren’t talking actually going hunting for a zombies (even though it’s almost Halloween and anything is possible) … right??

So, what ARE we actually talking about? Great question.

Let’s think for a moment about what the term ‘zombie’ actually means. The term ‘zombie’ is used to describe a mythical human corpse — basically the walking dead.  And while zombies don’t actually exist in reality (or do they?), there are many things that can take on a figurative expression of a ‘zombie’. Taking this analogy one step further, we would argue that there are likely strategies, programs or tactics in your nonprofit fundraising program that embody the walking dead but are left on life support for a myriad of reasons — some valid, and others likely … less valid.  

As we all trudge through the end of this calendar year and all the challenges that have been tossed in our way, many of us are also ready (and dare I say, excited for?) the new year and new opportunities that lie ahead. Yet new opportunities often come at a cost — both financial and resource-driven. Which brings us straight back to finding those zombies!

To make room for something new — you have to let go of something that is no longer working, or worse yet — dead. In other words — it might be time to go zombie hunting! 

As you prepare for your hunting trip, you will need to have a few ‘weapons’ in hand:

  • DATA!  As you work to identify where those pesky zombies are hiding, use specific data trends and KPIs to help home-in on possible suspects. Once you know where these fools are hiding, they are much easier to handle. 

  • RISK ASSESSMENT. Zombies are tricky and can be entrenched within your program and/or organization. Therefore, understanding what risks there may be upon their removal will be critical in creating your post-zombie plan. 

  • EXIT STRATEGY. Even when you’ve identified them, creating a plan for how to ‘remove the zombies’ becomes the next focus area. Since you will likely not just be able to ‘turn the zombie switch off’, creating a thoughtful exit strategy, with specific milestones and benchmarks, will be helpful to a smooth transition. 

  • ANNUAL CHECK-UPS. Zombies are tricky and they can crop back up when you least expect it. Investing intentional time each year to look for additional zombies that might be dragging your program down will ensure you’re using bandwidth and resources to their fullest potential. 

We have said it before, and we will repeat it once more for the people in the back — and just because it’s therapeutic. This Fall is testing us — our patience, our will and our flexibility. And it may feel difficult to think about what areas you can ‘give up’ to make room for something bigger in the future. So even as you trudge through these final weeks of 2021, be on the lookout for zombies. Sometimes they are in plain sight right next to you! 

Cover Image Source: https://www.freepik.com/vectors/halloween Halloween vector created by freepik - www.freepik.com


The Silver Linings Playbook of Fundraising


The Wicked Mistress of Fall 2021 – Part 2