Growing a Direct Mail Program

A partial dark crescent shape on a white background.


The Children’s Inn had a small direct mail program that had significant potential, with audiences already familiar with National Institutes of Health (NIH). The Children's Inn represented untapped fundraising opportunity. The organization partnered with Fuse to grow their donor file and maximize revenue.


Fuse and The Children's Inn worked together to develop messaging that brings prospective donors and donors into the experience at The Inn by regularly featuring stories of inspiring residents and their families. The acquisition strategy married heartfelt messaging with calculated audience targeting to garner significant growth.

A letter, envelope, and photos of a smiling child against a yellow background are displayed on a blue circle.



sustained revenue growth year over year since FY19

Three documents on a yellow circle background, including a letter and two flyers from "The Children's Inn at NIH," featuring matching gift and donation opportunities.


growth in 12-month donor value

A letter with cherry blossom illustrations is displayed alongside its envelope and a support flyer for INN residents and their families.


high in 12-month donor value

The Fuse Fundraising team has been instrumental in helping The Children’s Inn direct response program grow significantly over the course of our partnership. Their strategies are methodical and seamless, ensuring that we don’t ‘overinvest’ and that we remain targeted in our regional audience and messaging strategy.
— Fern Stone, Chief Development and Communications Officer

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